Italian – English – Italian
Italian – English – Italian
1. Refresher Course in Translation for EDITING AND PUBLISHING
2. Refresher Course in MEDICAL Translation
3. Refresher Course in LEGAL Translation
4. Refresher Course in BUSINESS Translation
5. Refresher Course in TECHNICAL / TECHNOLOGICAL Translation
Refresher Courses Online have annual legal validity for members of IATI International Association Translators and Interpreters. These courses are mandatory for professionals who want to continue working as “certified translator” in Italy and in other European Member Countries, as required by Italian law n.4/2013, art. 5, par. 1, sub e.
1) If you are a IATI member simply send us your name and Translator Identification Card number indicating name of Course you wish to attend. Otherwise please let us know:
Your full name,
C.F. Fiscal Code (for Italian candidates only)
Mailing address,
Phone number,
Place and date of birth,
Academic studies completed,
Work experience.
Privacy: All information received is treated in accordance with Italian privacy law N. 101/2018.
Please let us know also: Refresher course you are interested in,
Date you wish to start lessons,
Time at your disposal to study lessons. No age limits. Courses start at any time all year round.
a) Each course is made up by 8 lessons of theory and practice (with active and passive translation exercises, reviews and “translations to compare”), plus final examination, all online.
b) Courses can be completed in about 1 or 2 months, or in more or less time, since student can take all the time it occurs to him to finish lessons, according to his needs and availability.
Lessons are personalized by direct individual email conversation which each student establishes with his translation reviewer
Cost of each course: € 400 single payment when student enrolls.
(or 2 payments of 200 Euros each, first payment when student enrolls, second payment before receiving lesson 5).
Amounts paid are not tax deductible by student. Association fees are not taxable entry for the association. For further info see Articles of Association/Statute.pdf.
At the end of course student receives IATI Attendance Certification
a) At each lesson student receives by email documents of theory, and document to translate (practice).
b) Student reads/studies theory documents, translates document (practice) and emails to reviewer translation done to be checked and corrected.
c) Reviewer checks and corrects translation done by student, points out and explains errors (if any) and emails back to student translation reviewed (together with a “translation to compare” done by other translator) so that it can be checked out and studied again by student, and so on with all other lessons
For info about Italian-English-Italian Translation Courses Online. For Info about Italian and English Refresher Courses online
For info about membership to the Association.
For Info BOUT Italian French Spanish German Translation Courses online
For info about the magazine
Simona Viappiani
For questions and assistance by an English mother tongue teacher
For reviews of already translated Italian English works
For coordinating member activities
Filomena Natarelli
Not for profit national and international professional Association of Translators and Interpreters, Language Professionals and Consultants. Entered in the register of nongovernmental professional Associations. Reg. in Pescara Italy on 13.02.1985, N. 1062, Vol. Io, File No 13.538, Repertory 100.030, Jud. Nat. 18, C.F. 9100766068, Law n. 4/2013, Published in the G.U. n. 22 on 26.01.2013. mailto: iati@centroculturaleinternazionale.com