
L’ Aggiornamento del traduttore Interprete

International professional magazine for the update and upgrade of professionals

The Magazine

L’AGGIORNAMENTO Del Traduttore Interpreter is a fundamental and indispensable journal for all current and future professionals, sent directly to your home or office every six months.

Useful to all, with about 130 pages of guidelines to help translators and interpreters find their way through the profession. It features translation know how, translation theory and translation exercises, plus professional editorials in Italian, English and German languages.

Annual update is requested by law for members of an association of translators and interpreters in order to work as a certified professional pursuant to Italian Law 01.14.2013 n. 4, art.5, par. 1 sub e.

All members of IATI International Association Translators and Interpreters are receiving the magazine published in March and October of each year since the annual membership fee includes subscription to the magazine.

companies, libraries, translators, interpreters, teachers, students, professionals etc. who wish to subscribe to the magazine can do so even if they are not members of a professional association of translators and interpreters.

For info

Simona Viappiani

The following editorials about translations, interpretation, language review, and translation know how published in L’AGGIORNAMENTO Del Traduttore Interprete, come from IATI translators and interpreters living in Italy and abroad, and from reviewers of translation courses online who, directly or indirectly, are contributing to the realization of this exclusive international professional journal.

1. English law
2. Professionisti per legge
3. Tecniche traduttive

4. I consigli del revisore
5. I lettori scrivono
6. Focus sulla professione

7. Let’s talk business
8. Medicine as a specialty
9. Legally speaking

10. Rubrica in lingua tedesca
11. Esercitazioni pratiche di traduzione.


Luigi D’Aurizio

Chief Editor

Bilingual professional counselor, business advisor, translator and interpreter. In Italy he founded and directed for 20 years Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori in Pescara.

Valerio De Prisco

 Vice Editor

Graphic design and prepress expert. Edits also IATI magazines and publications

Cécile Elisabeth Billioti de Gage

French dept. 

Degree in languages and master in translation. Freelance translator and interpreter, also French language teacher at the Florida Atlantic University.

Simona Viappiani

Simona Viappiani

Italian English translation Columnist

IATI member, degree in languages and Master in translation. Former teacher and staff translator and interpreter, now works freelance.

Lucia Valori

Italian English Legal Columnist

International lawyer and translator of legal documents. Lives in Italy and Morocco and loves to travel. With her sister she directs their family legal office in Italy.

Silvia Wolff

German dept.

Bachelor and Master in Translation. Extensive work experience both at management level for various multinationals and as an online lecturer.

Filomena Natarelli

Italian and English text editor

Italian English language reviewer and editor, Member of IATI, Degree in Business Administration & Marketing, worked many years in one of Melbourne’s leading Banks. Broad experience in Public Relations as well as International Relations. In Italy she is interpreter, translator, reviewer and English language teacher.


For info

Simona Viappiani

Annual subscription fee
60 Euros (published in March and October).
Special prices to be agreed upon each time for an order of more that 15 copies.

companies, libraries, translators, interpreters, teachers, students, professionals etc. who wish to subscribe to the magazine can do so even if they are not members of a professional association of translators and interpreters.

Published in March and October of each year.


Advertising spaces are available for translators, schools, companies, institutions etc . who wish to advertise their business in the magazine.
Please send a brief text, possibly together with one or more images. We’ll draft and return the page to you for approval before publication.


Office of the Secretary

Simona Viappiani

84015 Nocera Superiore (SA), Via Grotti 35

Editorial Staff

Luigi D’Aurizio

66021 Casalbordino (CH), Via Del Forte 20

Translation courses online

For info about Italian-English-Italian Translation Courses Online. For Info about Italian and English Refresher Courses online

Luigi D’Aurizio

Office of the Secretary

For info about membership to the Association.

For Info BOUT Italian French Spanish German Translation Courses online 

For info about the magazine

Simona Viappiani

Reviews and Assistance

For questions and assistance by an English mother tongue teacher

For reviews of already translated Italian English works

For coordinating member activities

Filomena Natarelli

IATI – International Association Translators and Interpreters

Not for profit national and international professional Association of Translators and Interpreters, Language Professionals and Consultants. Entered in the register of nongovernmental professional Associations. Reg. in Pescara Italy on 13.02.1985, N. 1062, Vol. Io, File No 13.538, Repertory 100.030, Jud. Nat. 18, C.F. 9100766068, Law n. 4/2013, Published in the G.U. n. 22 on 26.01.2013. mailto: