

Evolution of a professional association

In the early 80’s, only graduates from Scuola Interpreti of Pescara, Italy could become members of IATI. Translation/Interpretation Courses of that school required from 2 to 4 years, plus one year for a specialization course.

IATI, registered in 1985, was a professional association born mainly to support students of that School for Interpreters – Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori – (now SSIT) and assist them in their professional career.

Graduates who wanted to become members of IATI had to pay an entry fee of 100 thousand lire plus 50 thousand lire a year to become Junior members (with no right to vote), or 100 thousand lire a year to become Permanent members (with right to vote). Later it was decided to cut the entry fee at a symbolic cost of 20 thousand lire plus a yearly fee of 20 thousand lire. In time, graduates of Scuola Interpreti of Pescara could become members automatically without paying any fee.

As of 1999 IATI allows access to the association to all translators who want to become members (worldwide) offering also Master and Translation Courses Online, and students attending these courses become Junior members of the Association and are entered automatically in the Register of Members to receive support and assistance in their professional career.

From 2013, further to Italian law n.4, 01.14.2013 which gives professional associations the authority to certify members’ competence and know how, IATI can grant a Certification of Quality and Professional Qualification for Translation Services, which is issued in Italy and which finds validity also in all EU Member Countries.

To benefit from the legal validity of these qualifications granted by the association (possibility of working as “Certified” translators and interpreters, possibility of obtaining special state benefits (punteggio ministeriale), possibility of receiving job offers, etc.), and to continue using the qualification of “Certified professional translator”, membership to the association has to be renewed annually (25 Euros) and members have to take an annual refresher course (law 4/2013, art. 1, par. 5, sub e). For this purpose the association publishes every six months and sends to its members the professional magazine L’AGGIORNAMENTO del Traduttore Interprete.

For info

Articles of Association/

Luigi D’Aurizio

Founder of I.A.T.I Association

Luigi D’Aurizio has been teacher, reporter, professional translator and interpreter, specialist in international business negotiations and English language teacher.

In Italy, he founded and directed for 20 years the International School for Interpreters in Pescara. He has been president of IATI, teacher of Translation Courses Online, expert in international translation and interpreting services. 

Member of IATI since 1985, complied with Rules and Regulations, Tariffs, Privacy Clauses and Code of Ethics recommended by the Association. 

Prof. D'Aurizio died in October 2022 and we owe him all our gratitude for having founded the I.A.T.I. Association and for the commitment with which he has carried it out throughout his life.


Simona Viappiani

Simona Viappiani

National President

84015 Nocera Superiore (SA)
Via Grotti, 35 
Tel: 338 . 103 12 04  

Simona Viappiani is IATI member. Holds a degree in Languages and a Master in Translation.

Former staff teacher and translator/interpreter, now works freelance. Takes care of and organizes all Association activities such as publications, seminars, debates, meetings, translation courses online, refresher courses for IATI member translators, and more.


Filomena Natarelli

Referent for South, Islands, and Foreign countries Area.

Bussi sul Tirino 65022 (PE)
Via R. Margherita, 75  
Tel: 085 . 980 43 2 
Cell: 349 . 242 92 02 

Filomena Natarelli, member of IATI and Diploma in Business Administration & Marketing worked in one of Melbourne’s leading Banks. Broad experience in Public Relations as well as International Relations. In Italy works as Interpreter, Translator, Teacher and Revisor.

Emanuela Berardi

Emanuela Berardi

Board Member

Iscr. n. 1180 (It – In – Fr)

Viale Capitan Casella, 15

00122 Roma

Cell: 333 . 894 90 72



alessandra pina franco

Alessandra Pina Franco

Board Member

Iscr. n. 1218 (In/Ru– It )

Via Statale, 36

10012 Bollengo (To)


Alessandra Pina Franco si a IATI member. She is Web Content Manager, Copywriter, Web Designer and technical translator, for web and marketing from English and Russian to Italian.

SEdi Regionali

Nicola Pizzamiglio

President/Referent for North Area

Cormons 34071 (Gorizia)
Via A. Gramsci, 37 
Tel: 333 . 148 56 35


Nicola Pizzamiglio: Degree in Theology and Master in Translation. Teacher, Translator/Interpreter for foreign embassies. Translates also from and into Tagalog (Philippine language).

Marina della Torre

President/Referent for Center Area

Roma 00149
Largo G. La Loggia 21 
Tel: 339 . 447 43 38 


Marina Della Torre, degree in languages and master in translation, tutor, many years of experience in national and international accounting.


Mode 1

Students obtaining a IATI Master in Translation Online, also obtain automatically membership to the association for PERSONAL purposes or for PROFESSIONAL purposes.

Mode 2

Translators with a degree obtained from any University or school for translators and interpreters in Italy or abroad, and translators without specific qualifications who are able to show documentary proof of having worked as translators or interpreters for at least two years can apply for membership after passing an entry test.

Mode 2 membership procedure

Step 1. Please send email with personal information and documents/qualifications on hand to ascertain eligibility.

Step 2. If answer is positive, please send copy of documents.

Step 3.
If documents received are adequate you’ll receive entry test.

Step 4.
After passing entry test please send ID picture, and 85 Euros for membership fee. 

Step 5.
  Afterwards you’ll receive by mail:
1. Membership Certificate,
2. Membership Card,
3. New member’s personal information will be added in the website of the Association, if requested.


Membership fee:
€ 85,00 (includes two six-monthly professional magazines L’AGGIORNAMENTO Del Traduttore Interprete).

Annual renewal fee:
€ 85


IATI consumer protection desk is available

To help consumers choose the right professional translator,

and to receive claims for the work done by members of the association according to Italian law 4/2013 art. 2 sub. 4.

The Officer responsible for IATI Consumer Protection Desk is Ms. Simona Viappiani

For info

Simona Viappiani

Translation courses online

For info about Italian-English-Italian Translation Courses Online. For Info about Italian and English Refresher Courses online

Office of the Secretary

For info about membership to the Association.

For Info BOUT Italian French Spanish German Translation Courses online 

For info about the magazine

Simona Viappiani

Reviews and Assistance

For questions and assistance by an English mother tongue teacher

For reviews of already translated Italian English works

For coordinating member activities

Filomena Natarelli

IATI – International Association Translators and Interpreters

Not for profit national and international professional Association of Translators and Interpreters, Language Professionals and Consultants. Entered in the register of nongovernmental professional Associations. Reg. in Pescara Italy on 13.02.1985, N. 1062, Vol. Io, File No 13.538, Repertory 100.030, Jud. Nat. 18, C.F. 9100766068, Law n. 4/2013, Published in the G.U. n. 22 on 26.01.2013. mailto: